Japan Sherlock Holmes Club Activities

We publish ten newsletters and one magazine a year.

It is sorry all of them are in JAPANESE.

There are two conventions in Spring and in Summer. Spring conventions are held in Later March in Tokyo area. Summber conventions are two days excurtions in non-Tokyo areas, at a weekend of from August to October.

Ther are also scion societies of JSHC. If you have a question, please contuct us.

The Sherlock Holmes Award

This award is presented to the most distinguished Sherlockian works during the last year, at every March convention.


Please contact us before sending your subscriptions, if you want to join us.
It is sorry we can not accept personal checks.
Area admission fee annual fee
Japan 1000 yen 4000 yen
Rest of the World 1000 yen 5000 yen