The World of Holmes No.5

Matsushita, Ryohei “Sherlock Holmes Regional Study - Surrey” 松下了平「シャーロックホームズ風土記 サリ州の巻」 WH No.5 (1982),8-15p
The author outlines the places in Surrey County that appear in the Canon. The places include Richmond, Croydon, Norwood, Reigate, Nobury, Esher, Woking, Farnham, Leatherhead. The author also points out Surrey is one of the candidates of Holmes’s birthplace.
    United Kingdom,  Sherlock Holmes - Ancestry, Family, and Name

Terasoma, Izaemon “Is Sherlock Holmes a Freemason?” 寺杣伊左衛門「シャーロック・ホームズはフリーメーソンか?」 WH No.5 (1982),17-20p
The author studies the outline and brief history of Freemasons, and by analyzing Holmes’ actions in the Canon, concludes Holmes was a Freemason.

Taoka, Toshiaki, Yakame, Hiromi, Edited by “The Telescope of Old Frankland” [田岡俊昭]作 八亀裕美 編「フランクランド翁の望遠鏡についての考察」 WH No.5 (1982),21-26p
The author introduces her friend’s study about the telescope of Frankland. Based on the descriptions in HOUN, the details of the telescope, such as the type of the lense and its diameter, eyepiece and tripod are discussed.


Yoshioka, Masakazu “Dr. Watson’s Consulting Room” 吉岡正和「ワトソン博士の診察室」 WH No.5 (1982),42-46p
The author studies the medical practices of Dr. Watson described in the Canon; anesthetic and emergency first aid he used. He also suggests the Devil’s Foot is the root of cassava that contains potassium cyanide. Dr. Watson-Medical Practice,
