The World of Holmes No.34

Yamaguchi, Keita “My Theory on Holmes’s Beekeeping” 山口敬多「ホームズの養蜂についての私論」 WH No.34 (2011),13-21p
The author analogizes the contents of the “Practical Handbook of Bee Culture”, and also discusses bee-keeping from medical and sociological points of view.
  Sherlock Holmes-Retirement

Endo, Takahiko “A Letter to Mr. Tsukitari ? A Thought on “One of the Most Winning Women”” 遠藤尚彦「月足さんへの手紙-いちばん魅力的な女 のモデルに関する一考察」 WH No.34 (2011),22-33p
The author revisits the study Mr. Tsukitari did about the model of “one of the most winning women” and concludes Ann Sandis is the one considering Carlyle’s work and how Doyle was affected by him.
  SIGN, Sherlock Holmes-Women and Offspring

Yoshioka, Masakazu “About the Reference, ”He Has Been in China”” 吉岡正和「中国に行かれたことがあるということ」 WH No.34 (2011),67-69p
The author questions Holmes’s deduction that Wilson in REDH acquired a tattoo in China, and concludes he had the tattoo in Japan, studying the history of tattoo culture in Japan.

Yoshida, Takehiko “Questionable Points in “The Three Garridebs”” 吉田建彦「三人ガリデブ ヘの疑問点」 WH No.34 (2011),70-73p
The author points out the following four questions for the 3GAR story, and presents his revisions: 1.Evans would not be likely to visit Holmes. 2. Holmes did not make Nathan not to tell John Garrideb about his visit to Birmingham. 3. Holmes and Watson’s visiting time on the next day was too late. 4. How John Garrideb got the key of Nathan’s house.


Uekusa, Yasuhiro “A Study on the Arrow Poison and the Vampire in “The Sussex Vampire”” 植草康浩「サセックスの吸血鬼 事件における矢毒および吸血鬼に関する研究」 WH No.34 (2011),74-81p
A study about the poisoned arrow and poison in SUSS. The author presumes it would not be possible to kill the baby with the arrow Jacky used, and presents his theory that Mrs. Ferguson would actually be a vampire.

Kimura, Kazuhiro “Suggested Practice for Japanese Class in High School Using “The Three Students”” 木村一弘「三人の学生 高等学校国語科の授業での実践提案」 WH No.34 (2011),82-86p
The author thinks detective stories are useful to develop imagination and thinking power, and recommends 3STU as study materials. He presents a teaching plan using 3STU.

Nitta, Kunihiko “Holmes’s Approach to Abductions” 新田邦彦「ホームズのアブダクションへのアプローチ」 WH No.34 (2011),99-106p
A study about Holmes’s method of reasoning. The author presents the examples of his method using deduction, induction and abduction, and analyzes his approach to abduction in detail.
    Sherlock Holmes-Intellect

Ohta, Takashi “Consideration on Triangle Relations” 太田隆「三角関係についての考察」 WH No.34 (2011),107-112p
The author believes all literary works begins and ends with eternal triangle, and discusses the triangle relationships in the Canon, from STUD to FINA.
    General and Miscellaneous

Watanabe, Mineki “Holmes from Brain Scientific Viewpoint” 渡辺峯樹「ホームズを脳科学する」 WH No.34 (2011),113-120p
The author analyzes Holmes’s ability for solving problems from brain scientific point of view. He discusses how Holmes was struck by inspiration, how he balances inputs and outputs in the brain and so on.
    Sherlock Holmes-Intellect

Suzuki, Toshio “An Inventory of Holmes Chronologies” 鈴木利男「ホームズ年代学の総決算」 WH, 34(2011), 121-125
The author studies the chronology of the Canon and concludes the period Holmes acted as a detective is 23 years and that of which Watson cooperated is 17 years, as Watson wrote in VEIL.

Nakashima, Hiroko “A Loose London Report” 中島ひろ子「ゆるロンドンレポート」 WH No.34 (2011),129-133p
The author reports Sherlockian places in London she visited during her stay in 2010 such as Sherlock Holmes Museum, Abbey National, Sherlock Holmes Pub and so on.

Goto, Sayuri “Travel Report to England in 2011” 後藤五百合「2011年英国旅行記」 WH No.34 (2011),134-138p
A diary of the trip to Norfolk Broads where Donnithorpe in GLOR occurred and Hilton Cubitt in DANC resided.

Owaku, Rie and Shimizu, Takeshi “A Tour of Filming Locations of “Sherlock Holmes” (2009 film)” 大和久吏恵/清水健「映画シャーロック・ホームズ ロンドンのロケ地めぐり」 WH No.34 (2011),139-146p
A report on 21 filming locations of the Sherlock Holmes film in London. The time each place appears in the film and the nearest stations of the places are mentioned.
Travel, TV Dramas & Movies
