The World of Holmes No.1

Arai, Yoshifumi “The Viewpoints of Sherlock Holmes” 荒井祥文「ホームズの物の見方に関する二つの論議」 WH No.1 (1978),3-5p
The author questions about Holmes’ way of thinking most people accept that he had independent, cool-headed mind by nature. He advocates Holmes had subjective way of thinking connaturally and acquired objective eyes to become a great detective.
    Sherlock Holmes-Personality

Onishi, Asami “Holmes and Alice ? A Preliminary Study” 大西朝海「ホウムズとアリス 予備的考察」 WH No.1 (1978),6-12p
The author looks into the common things between Sherlock Holmes and Lewis Carroll, the author of “Alice in Wonderland” by analyzing human relationships and others. He also presents his theory that Professor Moriarty was Lewis Carroll.
    Literary Parallels and Comparisons

Oka, Mayumi “On Habits of Sherlock Holmes” 岡まゆみ「未知のSHを探偵す (パート1) ホームズの癖について」 WH No.1 (1978),13-15p
A study about habits of Sherlock Holmes. The author explains Holmes tends to play a violin or to do chemical experiments when he wanted to concentrate his thoughts. Looking into his habits, the author concludes Holmes is not a super hero but a good human being.
    Sherlock Holmes-Personality

Saneyoshi, Tatsuo “Was Snake Poison Murder Possible? “The Speckled Band”” 実吉達郎「毒蛇殺人は可能だったか?まだらの紐について」 WH No.1 (1978),16-23p
The author demonstrates Dr. Roylott’s way to use a snake for murdering is practically impossible; Feeding snakes with milk, training them to move using whistles. He also points out the swamp adder in the story does not exist in India and guesses Conan Doyle created it based on the experience in Africa.
  Reprinted on WH, 40(2017)  SPEC


Suzuki, Toshio “Change of the Route to the Continent and the Game Theory” 鈴木利男「大陸行きのルートの変更とゲームの理論」 WH No.1 (1978),24-29p
The author applies the theory of games in economics for analyzing the routes of Sherlock Holmes and Professor Moriarty when they moved to the Continent in FINA.
   Reprinted on WH, 40(2017)  FINA

Tsuda, Masanobu “A Letter of Conan Doyle" 津田昌信「コナン・ドイルの手紙」 WH No.1 (1978),30-33p
The author introduces the copy of Conan Doyle’s hand-written letter he acquired and its translation by him. The letter dated January 17, 1897 was addressed to his friend offering to do a reading event for the Indian famine fund.
   Reprinted on WH, 40(2017)  The Literary Agent
