The World of Holmes No.3

Shigaki, Yumiko “My Irene” 志垣由美子「私のアイリーネ」 WH, 2(1979), 3-11
The author advocates her theory that Holmes and Irene Adler were attracted each other for their first encounter, and that she was “the woman” not only for Holmes but for Sherlockians.
研究書などで、アイリーネ・アドラーについてのいろいろな解釈がある中で、ホームズにとってアイリーネ・アドラーが、常にthe woman であったように、シャーロッキアンにとってもthe woman はアイリーネ・アドラーなのだ、と結論する。

Ogura, Hiroshi “Personality and Lifestyle of Homes and Watson” 小倉博「ホームズとワトスンの性格と生活の特徴」 WH No.3 (1980),9-10p
The author analyzes the personality of Holmes and Watson and points out their characters are contrasting.
    Sherlock Holmes-Personality, Watson-Personality

Izaki, Toshie “Sherlock Holmes and Music” 猪崎寿枝「ホームズと音楽」 WH No.3 (1980),27-28p
The author wonders why Holmes did not play or listen to his favorite Wagner’s music at home, and presumes he was rather addicted to Wagner’s music just as he takes cocaine.

Matsushita, Ryohei “Private View on the Best 10 Sherlock Holmes Stories by JSHC” 松下了平「J・S・H・CによるS・Hベスト10、私見」 WH No.3 (1980),29-31p
The author analyses the reasons SILV is popular and BLUE is not so popular compared with foreign ratings in the best 10 stories by JSHC.
  SILV, BLUE, Sherlockians & Societies


Takagi, Toru “How Junior High School Students Find Sherlock Holmes” 高木徹「中学生から見たシャーロック・ホームズ」 WH No.3 (1980),32-35p
As a junior high student, the author lists up the reasons Sherlock Holmes stories are not generally popular among his generation. There are, however some students who likes the stories and they are attracted by Holmes as an ideal hero.
   Reprinted on WH, 40(2017)  General and Miscellaneous

Suzuki, Toshio “Revelations of Sherlock Holmes” 鈴木利男「シャーロック・ホームズの真実の姿、あらわに」 WH No.3 (1980),36-40p
The author introduces the contents of the article titled “Exposed: the real Sherlock Holmes” which appeared in The Times on April 1, 1980(April Fool’s day). The article was the summary of Holmes’ life based on the records by his primary doctor Dr. Agar written by a person called David Sinclair.

Konno, Hidetaka “Violin and Music ? A Letter to Hiroyuki Anzai” 金野英隆「ヴァイオリンと音楽と-安斎広之-への書簡」 WH No.3 (1980),41-42p
The author compares the theories about the identity of Chopin’s piece Holmes sang in STUD. He agrees to Anzai’s theory that the piece is Mazurka 6-4 E minor.
