The Writings About the Writings in Japan

Sherlockians & Societies

Blau, Peter E., translated by Higurashi, Masamichi “East and West Met ? Sherlockian Friendships between the United States and Japan”
ピーター・E・ブラウ/日暮雅通 訳「東と西の出会い 日米シャーロッキアンの交流について」
WH 21(1998)
Cooke, Catherine, translated by Koike, Shigeru “Vintage 1951 ? A Festival, a Society and a Collection”
キャサリン・クック/小池滋 訳「ヴィンテージ1951年 フェスティバル、ソサエティ、コレクション」
WH 21(1998)
Fujinami, Nobu “Unveiling Sherlock Holmes Statue at Kobe British House”  WH 37(2014)  
Higurashi, Masamichi “Retrospection on JSHC International Interactions 2(1998-2019)”  WH.42(2019) 
Kumagai, Akira “In Search of the Baritsu Chapter” 
WH, 30(2007) 
Kumagai, Akira “In Search of the Baritsu Chapter ? Part 2”  WH, 31(2008)
Kumagai, Akira “In Search of the Baritsu Chapter ? Part 3” WH, 32(2009)
Matsushita, Ryohei “On My 60th Birthday ? Twelve Animals in Chinese Zodiac”  
WH, 22(1999) 
Matsushita, Ryohei “Private View on the Best 10 Sherlock Holmes Stories by JSHC” 
WH, 3 (1980) 
Nakashima, Hiroko “Sherlock Holmes Pilgrimage to Switzerland”  WH 36(2013)  
Nakashima, Hiroko “Sherlock Holmes Pilgrimage to Switzerland ? A Preview”   WH, 35(2012) 
Sekiya, Etsuko “Certificate of Baritsu Chapter Membership Displayed at Chateau de Lucens”  WH, 35(2012) 
Shimizu, Takeshi “The Return of the Criterion Plaque”  WH 36(2013)   
Shimizu, Takeshi “The 70th Anniversary of the Tokyo Baritsu Chapter”  WH, 41(2018)  
Shimizu, Takeshi and Owaku, Rie “Brief History of the Baritsu Chapter” 
清水健 大和久史恵「東京バリツ支部小史」
WH, 30(2007)
Tanaka, Kiyoshi “Stanley, My Friend” 
WH, 9(1986) 
Takahashi, Toshiko “Paritsu ’99 ? Franco-Japanese Holmesian Party” 
高橋登志子「日仏交流会Paritsu ’99顛末記」
WH, 23(2000) 
“Tenth-Year Bow” of the Japan Sherlock Holmes Club E3)(1987)
Ueda, Hirotaka “Retrospection on JSHC International Interactions 1(1962-1998)”  WH.42(2019)
Whelan, Michael F., translated by Amano, Yaeko “A Brief Early History of the Baker Street Irregulars”
マイケル・F・ウェラン/天野八重子 訳「ベイカー・ストリート・イレギュラーズの黎明期について」
WH 21(1998)
