The World of Holmes No.15

Horie, Kazuyoshi “German or Russia? – Solving the Mystery of “The Second Stain”” 堀江和義「ドイツかロシアか?第二のしみ 第二の汚点の謎に迫る」 WH No.15 (1992),1-10p
A study about the identity of “a certain foreign potentate” in SECO. The author analyzes the situations of European monarchies at that time, and concludes Alexander III of Russia was the sender of the letter. He also suggests Conan Doyle’s involvement for the publication of this story as the literary agent.

Tsunoda, Masakiyo “On “Fifty-three and a Half Miles an Hour”” 角田匡清「時速53マイル半」 WH No.15 (1992),11-16p
The author counter-argues Hiraga’s theory in WH 14, and advocates Holmes did make measure and calculate the train speed described in the Canon, as the formula by Welch is not so complicated to calculate mentally.
Silver Blaze でエクセターへ向かう列車の中での発言について、時速53マイル半の算出方法が、ホームズの茶目っ気であるという研究に対する反論。ウェルチの第一公式について検証、60ヤード置きに電信柱が立っている区間では123秒間に窓外を通過する電信柱の数がマイルで示した時速であって、暗算不可能な公式ではないことを証明する。

Izutsu, Masanori “Political Stand of Sherlock Holmes” 井筒雅則「ホームズの政治思想」 WH No.15 (1992),17-27p
The author explained British political situations in 19th century to the beginning of 20th century, and discusses the political stands of Conan Doyle, Holmes and Watson.
  Sherlock Holmes-General and Miscellaneous, United Kingdom

Sekiya Etsuko “Two Curry Dishes” 関矢悦子「カレー料理はふたつ」 WH No.15 (1992),28-36p
The author pays attention to Mrs. Hudson’s chicken curry, one of two curry dishes that appear in the Canon. By analyzing the history of English breakfast, Scottish history and climates, and curry dishes, she tries to reveal what was hidden in Mrs. Hudson’s curry dishes.
  Food and Drink, SILV, NAVA


Hiraga, Saburo “An East Wind Coming – Departure to the East and Harwich” 平賀三郎「東の国とハーリッジ」 WH No.15 (1992),37-47p
The author presents the summary of Harwich where the last scene of LAST took place, and his theory about the meaning of “the east wind” Holmes mentioned.

Endo, Takahiko “Sherlock Holmes and Raphael” 遠藤尚彦「ホームズとラファエロ」 WH No.15 (1992),48-52p
The author infers the reason Holmes mentioned Raphael in 3GAB. Holmes’s grand-uncle Horace Vernet was influenced by Raphael during his stay in Rome, so Holmes would often hear his name in his childhood and naturally quoted Raphael in his dialogue.
  3GAB, Sherlock Holmes-Quotations Art

Kanto, Shinichi “Search for “Rat” in “The Boscome Valley Mystery”” 関東眞一「ボスコム谷の 鼠 を探せ」 WH No.15 (1992),53-59p
The author pays attention to the dual meaning of “rat” in BOSC, and advocates the story is taken from “The History of Tom Jones”, pointing the resemblance of the story and reference to “rat”.
ホームズ譚の二面性について検証する。例として「ボスコム谷の惨劇」を取り上げ、ダイイング・メッセージa ratについて、こめられたもう一つの意味について。ヘンリー・フィールディングの「トム・ジョウンズ」が引用されていることを検証。両作品が全く無関係ではない事や、ratがa ratになりBallaratになるという仕掛けを解明し、ratこそが「ボスコム谷」に隠れていた鼠だった。と結論している。

Tachibana, Makiko “About Bonbardone” 橘牧子「ボンバルドン について」 WH No.15 (1992),60-62p
A study about Bonbardone which Conan Doyle would play in his school days. According to the author, it is more similar to a tuba than to a horn.
    Music, The Literary Agent

Webb, Keith, translated by Shiraishi, Shigeo “Theology of Sherlock Holmes” キース・ウエブ/白石重夫「シャーロック・ホームズの神学」 WH No.15 (1992),63-68p
A study about Holmes’ religious belief. The author advocates Holmes believed the religious truth could be proved, and his knowledge and quotations of the Bible would prove he had faith in the religion based on the Bible.
    Sherlock Holmes-Personality

Iijima, Akira “The Footsteps of Sherlock Holmes in Japan 飯島章「日本におけるシャーロック・ホームズの足跡」 WH No.15 (1992),69-75p

The author points out some contradiction in “Hock-shi no Ikyo no Boken(The adventure of Mr. Hock in a strange land)”, a pastiche by Ichiro Kano.


Furumi, Ryohei “Sherlock Holmes in Meiringen” 古見良平「マイリンゲンのシャーロック・ホームズ」 WH No.15 (1992),107-109p
A report on the trip in Switzerland. The author visited Meiringen from Geneva through Interlaken and drove up to Rosenlaui.
  Travel, Europe

Nozu, Tsutomu, “Sherlock Holmes Was Not a Cocaine Addict” 能津努「ホームズはコカイン中毒ではなかった」 WH No.15 (1992),110-111p
The author states Holmes was not addicted by Cocaine but he used it to set up his own image through Watson’s writings. He also suggests Holmes might have used the medicine to avoid cocaine addiction.
Sherlock Holmes-Drug Habit

Nakashima, Hiroko “Is Jeremy Brett Left Handed?” 中島ひろ子「ジェレミー・ブレットは左ききかどうか」 WH No.15 (1992),112-118p
There are two scenes in the Canon that Holmes proved to be right-handed, but it seems Jeremy Brett may not. The author counted hand actions in Granada TV series, analyzes which hand he used by kinds of actions such as writing, playing violins, etc., and concludes Brett was left-handed.
TV Dramas & Movies.

Yoshida, Takeshi “Snake Ring” 吉田武「スネークリング」 WH No.15 (1992),124-127p
A study about snake rings. The author introduces two types of snake rings and suggest the type King of Bohemia wore.

Tsuchiya, Yosuke “Address Book of Sherlock Holmes” 土屋陽介「シャーロック・ホームズの住所録」 WH No.15 (1992),128-143p
A list of 181 peoples who appeared in 52 stories of the Canon. The names, addresses, occupations of the people are list in the alphabetical order with the first name.
Other Characters-General and Miscellaneous

Sasano, Fumitaka “Literary Origin of “A Case of Identity” Part 1” 笹野史隆「花婿失踪事件 の文学的祖先 その1」 WH No.15 (1992),144-150p
The author points out Holmes’s words at the beginning of the story in IDEN are originated from the words of the devil Asmodée in “Le Diable boiteux” by Alain René Le Sage. In this novel, Asmodée calls himself Eros, who would be associated with Hosma Angel.

Ietsugu, Fusao “Shadow of Sherlock Holmes 2” 家次房夫「ホームズの影2」 WH No.15 (1992),151-167p
A study about “Hanshichi Toromonocho”, a representative Japanese detective story series in historical times, by Kido Okamoto. The author describes the context of the birth of the novel, the origin of the title “Toromonocho”, why Okamoto decided to write this novel, and how the novel is affected by the Canon.
Japan, Literary Parallels and Comparisons
