The World of Holmes No.23

Ietsugu, Fusao “250 Years of Baker Street ? Part2” 家次房夫「ベーカー・ストリートの250年(2)」 WH No.23 (2000),12-23p
A study about the history of Baker Street. The author lists up the famous people who lived at Baker Street and explains the noted places around the Street such as Wallace Collections, Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum. Changes of the names and numbers of the street are also discussed.
  Baker Street 221B

Yoshioka, Masakazu “Books and Articles by Sherlock Holmes and Other Characters in the Canon” 吉岡正和「彼らの著作について 正典中のホームズ及び登場人物の著作・論文についての検討」 WH No.23 (2000),25-33p
The author goes through the pieces of writings that appear in the Canon. The books and research papers written by Sherlock Holmes and other characters like Professor Moriarty are listed and commented.
  Sherlock Holmes-Writings, Library and Index, Professor Moriarty, Coronel Sebastian Moran

Takahashi, Toshiko “Paritsu ’99 ? Franco-Japanese Holmesian Party” 高橋登志子「日仏交流会Paritsu ’99顛末記」 WH No.23 (2000),43-51p
The author describes the story of how Franco-Japanese gathering happened during the Festival days of the unveiling ceremony of Sherlock Holmes statue in London in 1999.
  Sherlockians and Societies

Date, Hisayoshi “A Short Essay on Professor Moriarty” 伊達久義「虚実皮膜 モリアーティ教授小論」 WH No.23 (2000),53-63p
The author discusses the contents of “The Dynamic of an Astroid” by Professor Moriarty, comparing theories of Sherlockians. He also suggests Professor Moriarty did not die at Reihenbach fall but secretly moved to New York to start a new life.
  Professor Moriarty


Nakamura, Masae “The Real Identity of Dr. Roylott" 中村正恵「ロイロット博士の正体」 WH No.23 (2000),64-65p
The author infers Dr. Roylott’s way of keeping a snake is based on that of Indian snake charmers, who feed snakes with milk and control them with whistles.

Nagasima, Masaru “Magical Order and Conan Doyle” 長島優「魔術結社とコナン・ドイル」 WH No.23 (2000),66-70p
The author verifies Dr. Brown who Conan Doyle mentioned in his “Memories and Adventures” was a member of The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, a secret society that studied magic in late 19th century in London.
現在英米で繁栄している魔術結社の母体となった、黄金の夜明団(The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn)とドイルが接触していたことを検証する。
  The Literary Agent

Kumagai, Akira “Deleted Watson’s Romance” 熊谷彰「消されたワトスンのロマンス」 WH No.23 (2000),71-80p
The author analyzes that several scenes about Watson’s romances in SIGN were re-written so that Holmes be the main character in short stories such as SPEC.

Yagi, Yasuyuki “What is Baritsu? ? A Study as a Sherlockian” 八木康之「バリツとは何か?シャーロッキアンとしての一研究」 WH No.23 (2000),81-83p
The author speculates the origin of Baritsu is one of the old Judo(jujjutsu) school called Ishibashiru. The school had the martial arts gym in Akashi which is close to Kobe, a Japanese port open to overseas in mid-19th century.

Fumikura, Ichiro “Life of Sherlock Holmes After his Retirement” 文蔵一郎「引退後のホームズの生活」 WH No.23 (2000),85-89p
The author presumes how Sherlock Holmes spent his life after his retirement. According to him, Holmes worked as a spy during World War I in Germany and after the war, he experimented the efficacy of royal jelly to the human body with Mycroft.
    Sherlock Holmes-Retirement

Komine, Hiroko “A Personal View on Mary Russell Series” 小峰寛子「シャーロック・ホームズの愛弟子に関する私見」 WH No.23 (2000),90-91p

The author expresses her opinion about the reason Mary became the wife of Sherlock Holmes in Mary Russel series. She thinks the series are romance stories rather than detective stories, and Mary would not marry Holmes if the writer is a Sherlockian.

  Women and Offspring, Parodies and Pastiches

Sasano, Fumitaka “Literary Origin of “The Boscombe Valley Mystery” part2” 笹野史隆「ボスコム谷の文学的祖先(その2)」 WH No.23 (2000),95-97p
The author compares BOSC with “They Mystery of a Hansom Club” written by Fergus Hume, and speculates Conan Doyle used the novel as a reference in writing BOSC.
ファーガス・ヒュームの「二輪馬車の秘密The Mystery of a Hansom Cab」を、コナン・ドイルが「ボスコム谷の謎The Boscombe Valley Mystery」に利用したのでは?と、筆者は仮説を立て検証する。物語の題名から、舞台、登場人物、事件の背景などを対比させ、論証する。

Hiraga, Saburo “Sherlockiana on “The Boscombe Valley Mystery”” 平賀三郎「ボスコム谷をめぐるホームズ学」 WH No.23 (2000),98-105p
A study about the real place where BOSC occurred. The author points out there is no place called Boscombe in Somerset county as Baring-Gould referred, and suggests the candidate place is Boscombe in Wiltshire county.

Kobayashi, Tsukasa, “The Scandals of Doyles” 小林司「バスカヴィル家の犬 における見えるものと見えないもの」 WH No.23 (2000),161-164p
The author proposes his hypothesis that HOUN is Conan Doyle’s profession about the scandal in Doyle family. He translates characters and episodes in HOUND into Doyle family and what happened to them.

Endo, Takahiko “”Shmerlock Holmes” and “The Hotel Thieves”” 遠藤尚彦「君は外人劇 シマーロック・ホームズ を見たか?」 WH No.23 (2000),165-175p
The introduction of the Sherlock Holmes play performed in Japan for the first time. Researching the articles about the play, the author also infers Sherlock Holmes film that was shown in Japan for the first time might be “The Hotel Thieves” in 1911.
日本で最初に上演されたホームズ劇の検証。著者は豊富な資料により、明治45年7月3日~20日まで帝國劇場にて上演された外人と日本人俳優が登場するW.ジレット脚本の“SHERLOCK HOLMES”だと断定している。また、映画に関しては、新資料により明治44年東京の下谷、第六福宝館で上映されたデンマーク映画[女夫白浪(めおとしらなみ) (Hotel thieves)]があることを発見。こちらが最初であると結論する。
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