The World of Holmes No.31

 Takeda, Masao “A Thought on Pilot-Fish” 竹田正雄「ぶりもどき考」 WH, 31(2008), 6-11.
 A study about alcoholic beverages; wines, pubs, beers, and spirits that appear in the Canon. The author also gives his thought about “a comet vintage” wine referred to in STOC.  
  VALL, Animals

 Suzuki, Toshio “Three Themes on A. Conan Doyle, Alcoholism, Physician, and Novelist” 鈴木利男「A.コナン=ドイルについての三題噺,アルコール依存症・医者・小説家  WH, 31(2008), 12-25
 A study about Conan Doyle’s early life, especially in relation to his father’s addiction to alcohol and how it affected to Doyle’s literary work.
  The Literary Agent

 Watanabe, Mineki “Barometric Pressure Problem” 渡辺峯樹「気圧の問題」  WH, 31(2008), 26-42
 Regarding the barometric pressure Holmes said in BOSC, the author made a research on barometers and weathers at that time.
  BOSC, Weather

Ohta, Takashi “The Big Game in “The Hound of Baskervilles”” 太田隆「バスカヴィル家の犬,のビッグ・ゲーム」 WH, 31(2008), 43-51
 The author gives thoughts on the structure of HOUN from the characters’ relationships perspective. “Game” is a term the author uses to mean the structure.


 Endo, Takahiko “The Usage of “Baritsu”” 遠藤尚彦「Baritsuの使用例」 WH, 31(2008), 52-60
 The author introduces the article in the Times where Bartitsu was misspelled as Baritsu, and the book the article appears.

 Yoshida, Masakazu “The Origin of Tree Worship – The Real Title of the Book Carried by the Elderly Man” 吉岡正和「樹木崇拝の起源,老人の所持していた書物は何か?」  WH, 31(2008), 61-68
The author suggests “The origin of Tree Worship” appeared in EMPT is really the first edition of “The Golden Bough” by James Frazer.

Kumagai, Akira “In Search of the Baritsu Chapter – Part 2” 熊谷彰「バリツ支部探求2」  WH, 31(2008), 77-87
 A study about the first meeting of the Baritsu Chapter, especially the actual place the meeting was held.
    Baritsu Sherlockians & Societies

 Shimizu, Takeshi and Owaku, Rie "Stonyhurst College and Arthur Doyle" 清水健 大和久吏恵「ストニハースト校とアーサー・ドイル」  WH, 31(2008), 88-94
 A study about the history of Stonyhurst College Doyle studied in his youth, and how the school life influenced to the Canon.
    The Literary Agent

 Hayashi, Masahiro “Coffee or Tea?” 林庄宏「コーヒー・紅茶再論」  WH, 31(2008), 95-111
 Did Holmes prefer Coffee or Tea? The author lists up the scenes coffee and tea appear in the Canon with some researches.
    Food and Drink

 Date, Hisayoshi “Appraisal of “The Valley of Fear”” 伊達久義「恐怖の谷,の評価について」  WH, 31(2008), 112-122
VALL is a love-it-or-hate-it novel among Sherlockians. The author studies the structure of the novel and concludes the relation between the first part and the second part is weak and VALL is not a masterpiece.

 Ikeda, Junsa “The Early Scotland Yarders” 池田巡査「創成期のスコットランド・ヤーダーズ」 WH, 31(2008), 123-133
 A Study about the Scotland Yard at the time of founding: key personnel, districts covered, uniforms and the headquarter building.
  Scotland Yard & Justice Syetem

Sugiyama, Shigeru “The Beginning Pages of the Canon” 杉山繁「最初の数ページ」 WH, 31(2008), 134-138
The author studies whether the following items appear at the beginning pages of the Canon: 1)Holmes’s observation and deduction, 2)untold tales, and analyzes the tendency.
Coursed of Study, Untold Tales and Dr.Watson's Tin Didpatch-box

Nakamura, Yasushi “Sherlock Holmes and the Genealogy of Spy” 中村靖「名探偵とスパイの系譜」 WH, 31(2008), 154-163
The author discusses the credentials of a spy and concludes Holmes was talented not only as a detective but a spy.
 Security Measures
