The World of Holmes No.42

Ueda, Hirotaka “Retrospection on JSHC International Interactions 1(1962-1998)” 植田弘隆「JSHC海外交流回顧1 (1962~1998年)」 WH No.42 (2019),14-19p
A record on the international interaction activities of Japanese Sherlockians. The author indicates the creation of JSHC in 1977 deepened international exchanges by voluntary members of JSHC, and led to the hosting of JSHC international convention in 1998, where noted guests attended including Michael and Mary Ann Bradley, Peter E. Blau, Philip and Jane Weller, Catherine Cooke.
JSHC主催者である小林・東山夫妻の他、会員有志や個人による海外シャーロッキアンとの交流が、マイク・ウェラン[Micharl F.Whelan, 当時のBSI会長]夫妻やピーター・E・ブラウ、フィリップ・ウェラー[Philip Weller]夫妻、キャサリン・クック[Catherine Cooke]など海外の著名なシャーロッキアンをゲストに迎え、1998年3月に開催されたJSHC国際大会に結びついた。
  Sherlockians & Societies

Higurashi, Masamichi “Retrospection on JSHC International Interactions 2(1998-2019)” 日暮雅通「JSHC海外交流回顧2 (1998~2019年)」 WH No.42 (2019),20-24p
The second part of the record on the international interaction activities of Japanese Sherlockians. Since over 30 members participated the Back to Baker Street hosted by SHSL in 1999, JSHC members have taken parts in Sherlockian events in Switzerland, Great Britain and the United States. The author also indicates overseas guests were invited to JSHC conventions: Jon Lellenberg and Charles Foley in 2013, Joan Probasta and Don Hobbs in 2015, Catherine Cooke, Marcus Geisser and Helen Dorey in 2019.
1999年9月に、地下鉄ベイカー街駅の出口に建てられたホームズ像の除幕式と前後のイベントにJSHCの会員30名余りが参加した。2000年5月にはスイスのホームズ協会The Reichenbach Irregulars(RI)が主催したローザンヌとマイリンゲンにおける大会にJSHCから数名が参加してスイス、英米仏独のシャーロッキアンと交流を深めた。
海外ゲスト招待の大会は、2013年(ジョン・L・レレンバーグ[Jon L.Lellenberg]、チャールズ・フォーリー[Charles Foley])2015年(ドン・ホブズ[Don Hobbs]、ジョアン・プロウバスタ[Joen Proubasta])、2019年(キャサリン・クック、マルクス・ガイサー[Marcus Geisser]、ヘレン・ドーリー[Helen F.Dorey])と、都合4回開催された。
  Sherlockians & Societies

Meer, Michael “The Other War Service of Sherlock Holmes: The Master Detective in World War One Prison Camps” Michael A.Meer「シャーロック・ホームズのもうひとつの戦功 第一次世界大戦 捕虜収容所における名探偵」 WH No.42 (2019),27-43p
Japanese translation of the presentation script that was presented at JSHC seminar in 2019. The author introduces the plays performed at prison camps during the World War I. British detainees at Ruhleben camp in Germany performed various plays including SPEC. German captives in Great Britain and even in Japan performed Sherlock Holmes plays in prison camps.

Geisser, Marcus “The Problems of the Missing Third Continent” Marcus Geisser「失われた第三の大陸の謎」 WH No.42 (2019),44-61p
Japanese translation of the presentation script the author made at JSHC convention in 2019. The author discusses three continents Holmes would visit before he met Watson in 1881, and concludes Europe and Americas are easily identified based on the descriptions in the Canon. For the remaining one, he suggests the possibility of African continent although Asian continent would be a strong candidate.
  Sherlock Holmes-General and Miscellaneous, Africa, Asia, United States


Cook, Catherine “Creating Reality ? Conan Doyle’s Concern to Present Fiction as Fact in the Lost World” Catherine Cooke「リアリティの創造『ロストワールド』におけるコナン・ドイルのフィクションを事実に仕立てる手法」 WH No.42 (2019),62-82p
Japanese translation of the presentation script the author made at JSHC convention in 2019. The author presents how Conan Doyle wrote SF, “The Lost World” based on the facts. The plot, settings, characters of the story are discussed. She also refers to “The Lost World” film created in 1925 when Doyle was still alive.
    The Literary Agent-Other Works

Nakamura, Hideki “Sherlock Holmes’s View of Old Age” 中村秀樹「ホームズ物語の老年観 天上の対話」 WH No.42 (2019),84-94p
The author presents his view on how Sherlock Holmes thought about the old age in the form of the dialogue between Holmes and Watson. Holmes’s thoughts about age, money, partnership, absolution are discussed.
  Sherlock Holmes-Personality

Yoshida, Takehiko “Questions on “The Reigate Squire”” 吉田建彦「「ライゲットの謎」への疑問点」 WH No.42 (2019),95-99p
The author points out the four questions for the REIG story, and presents his revisions: 1. Cunningham destroyed the piece of the letter he took from William as it is unnatural for him to keep such evidence. Holmes would be able to resolve the case with other evidences 2. In relation to item1, the scene Cunningham and son attacked Holmes should be deleted. 3. Cunningham delivered the letter to William instead of mailing it as their houses were close. 4. As William would question the meeting at midnight, Cunningham ordered to go the rounds to William instead of just meeting him.

Nitta, Kunihiko “Orthodox Mystery “Sherlock Holmes”” 新田邦彦「本格ミステリー シャーロック・ホームズ」 WH No.42 (2019),100-106p
The author analyzes HOUN and SPEC as “orthodox mystery” based on the points Shimada Soji, Japanese mystery writer defined; in a closed circumstance, murders occur in a mansion house desirably in a closed chamber. All characters are fairly presented, a great detective is invited to solve the mystery and points out a surprising perpetrator with deduction.

Takahashi, Toshiko “Bande Dessinee of Sherlock Holmes ? SF and Comedy” 高橋登志子「シャーロック・ホームズのバンドデシネ SFとコメディ」 WH No.42 (2019),107-111p
The author introduces Sherlock Holmes Bande Dessinee, comic stories in France and Belgium. SF and comedy stories are introduced. She also lists up Japanese Manga works that are translated into French.
今回はSFとコメディ作品を紹介する。【SF】① Zachary Holmes(ザカリー・ホームズ)Trillo /Bobillo作、Erko刊、2001年~。② Le monde perdu(失われた世界)Duchateau / Sanahujas作、Lefrancq刊、1997年。③ Sherlock Holmes & Les Vampires de Londres(シャーロック・ホームズとロンドンの吸血鬼)Cordurie / Laci / Gonzalbo作、Soleil刊、2010年~。【コメディ】Baker Street(ベイカー・ストリート)Veys / Barral作、Productions Guy Delcourt刊、1999年~。の4点を紹介する。また、日本のホームズ漫画をフランス語に翻訳したSherlock Holmes Isan Manga刊。Les Enquetes de Sherlock Holmes~Les classiques en manga~ Nobi Nobi刊。Detective Conan Kana刊。Sherlock Kurokawa刊。Moriarty Kana刊。Arsene Lupin l’aventurier Kurokawa刊。の6点を紹介する。
    Europe-France, Parodies and Pastiches

Sakamoto, Shizuko “Consideration on Victorian Era, Postal Stamps and Holmes” 坂本志寿子「ヴィクトリア朝と郵便、そしてホームズについての考察」 WH No.42 (2019),112-123p
A study about the postage stamp issued for the first time in the world. The author indicates the historical background and the rivalry between the Great Britain and France in the form of the stamp versus the telegram. She also analyzes the illustrations used in the stamp set that was published in 1993 in commemoration of the publication of FINA.

Watanabe, Mineki “About British Plants” 渡辺峯樹「イギリスの植物について」 WH No.42 (2019),124-136p
The author distinguishes the plants which appear in the Canon according to the five areas in Great Britain that Louis Cazamian, French scholar of English literature, generally classified. 35 plants and county names are listed in the table.

Endo, Takahiko “Young Sherlock ? The Boyhood of Sherlock Holmes” 遠藤尚彦「ヤング・シャーロック シャーロック・ホームズの少年時代」 WH No.42 (2019),137-148p
The author verifies Laurie R. King’s indication that the description of Sherlock Holmes’s boyhood in “Baker Street of Sherlock Holmes by William Baring-Gould is based on his grandfather’s experience described in “Early Reminiscences 1834-1864” by Sabine Baring-Gould.
ローリー・キングがW・S・ベアリング=グールドの『シャーロック・ホームズ ガス燈に浮かぶ生涯』でのホームズの少年時代の記述は、祖父の本『回想録 初期』(Early Reminiscences 1834-1864)を参考にしていた、との指摘から原書を詳細に比較検証する。1)ドイツの都市名5つ。2)スイスの地名3つ。3)ライン河の凍結。4)イングランドから、ボルドーに向け出港したこと。5)両親の結婚した教会名。6)父親が除隊した理由。7)1968年9月プリムスからサン・マロへ出港、ボウに到着したのは10月。8)モンペリエの並木道と自宅の様子。以上8つの例を挙げ、ローリー・キングの指摘は正しいと結論する。
    Sherlock Holmes-Ancestry, Family and Name

Hirakawa, Hiroshi “Holmes Stories and Labor Unions in the Unites States” 平川宏「ホームズ物語とアメリカ労働組合」 WH No.42 (2019),159-167p
A study on the labor unions in the United States at the time of VALL. The author refers to the second part of VALL and indicates the court had severe attitude against the labor unions at that time.
    VALL, United States

Iwasaki, Akihiko “Sherlock Holmes and “Star Trek”” 岩崎晃彦「シャーロック・ホームズとスター・トレック」 WH No.42 (2019),168-176p
The author discusses the two characters in “Star Trek” series, who would have strong relevance to Sherlock Holmes, Spock and Data. He also indicates who Watson would be for these two characters, and actors and staff who had relations with visualized works of both Holmes and Star Trek .
    TV Dramas & Movies

Yu, Minxin “Moriarty’s Game ? Unsatisfied Queerness in BBC’s “Sherlock”” 余玟欣「モリアーティのゲーム BBC『シャーロック』における満たされないクィア性」 WH No.42 (2019),177-188p
The author picks up Jim Moriarty’s game in BBC’s “Sherlock” as a representation of sexual diversity and queerness in 21st century, and analyzes the changes in the relation of the detective and his arch enemy to verify this breakthrough adaptation is really innovative. By looking into the details she claims the relation between two men does not satisfy queerness although sexual diversity and queer desire are expressed through the game.
    TV Dramas & Movies

Henmi, Ichio “Thinking About Baritsu” 邉見市雄「バリツについて考える」 WH No.42 (2019),189-194p
The author speculates Baritsu to be the technique of slipping through the wound arm, and that Holmes would learn it from a master of martial arts among the members of Japan Entertainment Troup that visited Great Britain in 1877.
バリツの実際の技、何時、誰がホームズに伝授したのか、詳細に論証する。ライヘンバッハの決闘の描写から、バリツとは巻き付けられた腕をすり抜ける技ではないか、と推測する。習得した時期については、ホームズが探偵を始めてからワトスンに会うまでの1876~1880年の間と推測する。その間1877年にジャパン・エンターティメント一座が、イングランド北部で公演したプログラムJAPANESE ENTERTAINMENTSに、武術をしているイラストと演目“17.-Fencing and Single Stick Exercise.”の記述が有ることを指摘すると共に、「緋色の研究」のIs an expert singlestick player, boxer, and swordsman.の記述とも重なることから、ホームズも興味を引かれ習いたいと思ったのではないか、と考察する。

Akeyama, Ichiro “Reading Lecture of “Kojien” (Amateur Detective Course) ” 明山一郎「シャーロッキアンのための『広辞苑』読解講座(素人探偵編)」 WH No.42 (2019),195-207p
The entry word “Holmes” first appeared in the first edition of Kojien, a leading Japanese dictionary published in 1955. The author made research from where the description of Sherlock Holmes as “amateur detective” came, and concluded the description appeared in the afterword of the translation of Adventure of Sherlock Holmes published by the same publication company that published Kojien, and also in OED supplements in 1993.
