The World of Holmes No.43

Higurashi, Masamichi “Reading Guide: Literatures to Know Conan Doyle” 日暮雅通「読書案内:コナン・ドイルを知るための資料」 WH No.43 (2020),26-39p
The author introduces major reading materials about Conan Doyle. The issue about the year of his enrollment to Hodder House is also discussed as an addendum.
  The Literary Agent-Biography

Arai, Kiyoshi “Conan Doyle and Sports: Especially His Involvement with Olympics” 新井清司「コナン・ドイルとスポーツ 特にドイルとオリンピックについて」 WH No.43 (2020),40-54p
The author discusses sports Conan Doyle played; Skiing, Boxing, Golf, and Cricket. Doyle’s involvement with Olympics is also discussed, especially about “the tragedy of Dorando” at London Olympics in 1908.
  The Literary Agent-Sports

Kumagai, Akira “Conan Doyle in 1894: Findings by Browsing the Primary Documents” 熊谷彰「1891年のドイル 一次資料の閲覧でわかったこと」 WH No.43 (2020),55-66p
The author describes his visits to New York Public Library and British Library for inspecting the original sources to support his theory he published in the World of Holmes No.16. He inspected Watt’s Letter Book Vol.25 and Doyle’s Pocket Diary of 1891.
  The Literary Agent

Hirayama, Yuichi “Conan Doyle, Spiritualism and Japan” 平山雄一「コナン・ドイルと心霊主義と日本」 WH No.43 (2020),67-72p
The author illustrates how spiritualism and Conan Doyle were introduced in Japan. Various articles related Doyle appeared in the magazines published by The Psychiatric Research Society, Japanese spiritualism group, which shows Conan Doyle has influence in the spiritualism in prewar Japan.
日本の心霊主義団体『心霊科学研究会』が発行した雑誌『心霊界』と『心霊と人生』について考察する。『心霊界』の創刊号(1924年) には、コナン・ドイル『幽霊の穿めたる蝋製の手袋』という翻訳が掲載され、また『心霊と人生』もドイルの著作The Coming of the Fairiesの抄訳を連載し、さらに関連記事を『妖精の霊智学的観察』(1932年2月号)として訳出しているなど、戦前の日本の心霊主義にドイルが影響を及ぼしていたことを実証する。
  The Literary Agent-Spiritualism, Japan


Uekusa, Yasuhiro “Conan Doyle and Infection” 植草康浩「コナン・ドイルと感染症」 WH No.43 (2020),73-80p
A study about infectious diseases Conan Doyle were involved.; malaria, influenza, syphilis, tuberculosis. The author also points out Russian Flu Conan Doyle was infected in 1891 could be the world’s first pandemic of the coronavirus (OC43 type).
    The Literary Agent-Medicine

Hirakawa, Hiroshi “Holmes vs. Pinkertons: Consideration on Labor Spy in Labor Management Relations in the United States” 平川宏「ホームズ対ピンカートン再考 現代に続く労使関係における『労働スパイ』の考察」 WH No.43 (2020),86-93p
A study on Pinkerton National Detective Agency that appears in VALL. The author focuses on its role as a labor spy, which continues to exist in labor management relations in the modern U.S. society.
  VALL, United States

Nitta, Kunihiko “Genealogy of Great Detectives - Sherlock Holmes and Sugishita, Ukyo” 新田邦彦「名探偵の系譜 シャーロック・ホームズと杉下右京」 WH No.43 (2020),94-100p
Sugishita, Ukyo is the main character of popular Japanese TV mystery drama series “Aibou(Partners)”. The author sees Sugishita and Holmes have things in common although Sugishita is a police inspector, and the drama as a pastiche of the Canon.
    TV Dramas & Movies, Japan

Endo, Takahiko “St. Moritz, Maloya and Muhlen” 遠藤尚彦「St.Moritz、MalojaそしてMühlen」 WH No.43 (2020),101-112p
The author reports on the hotels Conan Doyle stayed in St. Moritz and Maloya based on his visit there. He also points out the route from Davos to St. Moritz Doyle took should have been different from that of the present.
コナン・ドイルが滞在した三つのホテル、St. MoritzのKulm Hotel, MalojaのHotel Kursaal de la Maloja, Mühlen (1943年に表記がMulegnsに変更、更に2016年近くの村と合併されMühlenの地名は消滅) のPosthotel Lowen, の滞在記録を詳細に検証する。
    The Literary Agent-Biography, Europe-Swiss

Yu, Minxin “Holmes Runs Across Shinjuku - Formulation of the Scenes in “ Kabuki-cho Sherlock”” 余玟欣「ホームズ、新宿を駆ける『歌舞伎町シャーロック』における物語の舞台構築」 WH No.43 (2020),113-122p
“ Kabuki-cho Sherlock” is TV animation series in Japan. The author verifies this work is a brilliant adaptation of the Canon, paying attention to the similarity of Kabuki-cho town in Shinjuku with East End in London.
    TV Dramas & Movies, Japan

Ohta, Takashi “Sherlock Holmes’s Deduction” 太田隆「シャーロック・ホームズの演繹学」 WH No.43 (2020),123-134p
The author indicates Sherlock Holmes’s deduction is based on the classical Western theories by explaining the definitions of deduction, and showing examples of Holmes’s methods.
    Sherlock Holmes-Intellect

Sahara, Yuki & Uekusa, Yasuhiro “Sherlock Holmes in China - Acceptance and After” 佐原由紀/植草康浩「中国のシャーロック・ホームズ 受容とその後について 本邦との比較」 WH No.43 (2020),147-159p
The authors report on the introduction of Sherlock Holmes in China by comparing with the history in Japan. Although Holmes stories were introduced almost at the same time in China and Japan, Sherlockiana and translational work did not develop after the establishment of new China government and the Cultural Revolution.
    Translating and Interpreting, Asia

Nakatsuru, Enichi “Beans in “The Blue Carbuncle”” 仲津留恵日「青いガーネットの豆」 WH No.43 (2020),165-171p
The size of the precious stone is described as a bean in BLUE, which mostly is translated as soramame(broad bean) in Japanese. The author made researches on the sizes of various beans and concluded the bean to be a kidney bean.

Usuda, Yoko “Is Holmes Warm Hearted?” 臼田容子「ホームズは温かいか?」 WH No.43 (2020),172-175p
The author does not agree with the theory that Holmes never treated Watson warmly, and verifies people who had read the original in English have such impression by looking into the differences of the nuance of the words with the times.
    , Sherlock Holmes-Personality
