The World of Holmes No.14

Kanto, Shinichi “The Descendants of Jacob” 関東眞一「ヤコブの末裔」 WH, 14(1991), 3-6
The author argues against William Russel’s view of the model of PRIO story as the Book of Genesis, and that the story is rather based on “Oliver Twist”.
William L. Russell「プライアリ・スクールの聖書的起源」を検証。「プライアリ・スクール」が旧約聖書の「創世記」エサウとヤコブ及びヨセフの物語が下敷きとするが、むしろ「オリバー・トゥイスト」が当てはまることを論証しRussellのフレームアップだと結論。

Tanaka, Kiyoshi “The Translation of “Study” in a Scarlet” 田中喜芳「研究 か 習作 か-延原展氏への返信」 WH, 14(1991), 7-16
The correspondences between the author and Ten Nobuhara, the son of the translator Ken Nobuhara who translated the Canon in complete. The author advocates the word “Shusaku(etude)” is more suitable for the translation of “Study” for the title of STUD in his letters.
     STUD,  Translating and Interpreting

Iijima, Akira “A Study of London Quarter” 飯島章「一丁ロンドン考」 WH, 14(1991), 17-24
An introduction of Westernized area called “London Street” that appeared in Tokyo in Meiji Era. The author also refers to the relationship between Watson and Josiah Conder who supported the construction of buildings in London Street.
     Japan, Dr. Watson-General and Miscellaneous  

Hiraga, Saburo “A Study of Studies on “Silver Blaze”” 平賀三郎「シルヴァーブレイズ の研究の研究」 WH, 14(1991), 34-44
The author lists up the studies about SILV in Japan and points out the variety of themes. He also presents the calculation method of the train speed by counting the number of sounds the train passes the rail joints.
     SILV, Transportation 


Matsushita, Ryohei “Fishing with Cormorants” 松下了平「鵜飼について」 WH, 14(1991), 55-60
The author explains the cormorant fishing method in Japan and suggests the untold story in VEIL with reference to trained cormorants happened in Japan. He presumes “the politician” would be Takaaki Kato who was active in foreign diplomacy especially in relationship with the Great Britain including the conclusion of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance.
For full text, see JAPAN AND SHERLOCK HOLMES (Baker Street Irregulars, 2004) .
    VEIL, Japan

Yabuuchi, Masasi “Was Sherlock Holmes a Canoeist?” 薮内政志「ホームズはカヌーイストだった?」 WH, 14(1991), 62-64
The author makes a case that Holmes was a canoeist as he must have known how to escape from the whirlpool in the waterfall in order to survive at Reichenbach Falls, and that technique is most commonly used among canoeists.
     Sherlock Holmes-General and Miscellaneous, FINA

Morimoto, Tatsuya, “A Truth Behind “A Scandal in Bohemia”” 森本龍哉「ボヘミアの醜聞 成立の裏事情」 WH, 14(1991), 65-70
The author points out several discrepancies in the story of SCAN, the reason Watson published the story in 1891, and considers Moriarty’s involvement in the case. He also suggests Irene Adler was his daughter.
     SCAN  Professor Moriarty

Kajita, Masato “Beekeeper’s Life of Sherlock Holmes” 梶田正人「シャーロック・ホームズの養蜂生活時代」 WH, 14(1991), 89-94
The author figures out the contents of the “Practical Handbook of Bee Culture” and infers Holmes’ main theme of the study was the biology of queen bees and her colonies.
     Sherlock Holmes-Writing, Library and Index

Shinozuka, Yoji “Sherlock Holmes and Women – On Irene Adler” 篠塚洋治「ホームズと女性―アイリーン・アドラーをめぐって」 WH, 14(1991), 95-97
The author applies Jungian psychology to SCAN and suggests the story is about a broken heart of Holmes with Irene Adler. He also presumes Watson hid Holmes’ love to avoid offending him when publishing the story.

Narita, Keiichi “Absence of Mother Goose in the Canon” 成田圭市「正典におけるマザーグースの表面的不在について」 WH, 14(1991), 100-109
The author points out Mother Goose was only referred once in the Canon, but the full understanding of Mother Goose is important in order to reach out the real case of the Canon, citing BLUE as an example.
     BRUC, BLUE  

Sasano, Fumitaka “Literary Origin of “Red-Headed League” Part 5” 笹野史隆「赤髪組合(赤毛組合)の文学的祖先(その5)」 WH, 14(1991), 110-113
The final installment of the series. The author quotes the part of the literary works that have resemblance with REDH, such as “The History” by Herodotus, “Annales” by Tacitus, “Mémoires de Vidocq” by Francois Vidocq, “L'Envers de l'histoire contemporaine” by Balzac.
ピンダロス「ピューティア祝勝歌・第一 対旋舞歌一」。ヘロドトス「歴史」第2巻第150節及び第4巻200節。タキトゥス「年代記」第13巻第46節。ヴィドック「ヴィドック回想録」。を挙げ「赤髭組合」の元となったと推測する場面を比較。ドイルが真似をしたというのではなく、あくまで、似たものがある。という立場で論じられる。
