The World of Holmes No.17

Hirosue, Hisashi “Orchid “Sherlock Holmes”” 廣末久「洋らん シャーロック・ホームズ」 WH No.17 (1994),46-48p
The author introduces the World Orchid Conference and the orchid named “Sherlock Holmes”, which was presented to JSHC when the Orchid exhibition was held in Japan.
フランスのバシェロ・ルクーフル・オルキデ社(VACHERO & LECOUFLE ORCHIDEES)が、新種の蘭、パフィオ種「シャーロック・ホームズ」を日本の展覧会に出品した経緯などについて。
  Japan Plants

Gomibuchi, Takashi “The Personality of Sherlock Holmes ? From the Viewpoint of Life History” 五味渕隆志「シャーロック・ホームズの性格 生活史の視点から」 WH, 17(1994), 70-81
The author describes the life history of Sherlock Holmes and analyzes his personality from psychiatric viewpoint. He presumes Holmes carried a nature of schizothymia with central temperament.
  Sherlock Holmes-Personality

Nagashima, Masaru “The Origin of Sherlock Holmes’s Misogyny ? Oscar Wilde and Conan Doyle” 長島優「シャーロック・ホームズの女嫌いの原点 O・ワイルドとドイル」 WH No.17 (1994),82-85p
The author advocates Conan Doyle was affected by Oscar Wilde about the misogynistic character of Sherlock Holmes. He assumes Doyle did not mention about Wilde in “Through the Magic Door” because Wilde’s bad reputation as sodomy. Literary Parallels and Comparisons,
  Sherlock Holmes-Personality

Matsuura, Toshio “Utopian ? Messages from Sherlock Holmes” 松浦年男「ユートピアン ホームズからのメッセージ」 WH No.17 (1994),86-95p
The author advances Holmes had utopian sense of mind, pointing out 8 characters of utopian nature. He suggests Holmes might intend to build the utopia of the world of Holmes in London, where justice is done as it should be.
  Sherlock Holmes-Personality


Nozu, Tsutomu “A Supplementary Opinion on Conan Doyle Syndrome” 能津努「コナン・ドイル症候群の補足的見解」 WH No.17 (1994),96-99p
The author questions Conan Doyle syndrome is discussed only about the written words in the Canon, and advocates the syndrome also appears in the characters, such as the relationship of Stapleton with Beryl and Lora Lions in HOUN.
    HOUN, The Literary Agent

Ietsugu, Fusao “Miscellanea on Style ? Rhetoric and Stature” 家次房夫「スタイル」 WH No.17 (1994),100-107p
The author discusses two topics in style; the style of novels and the body types of Holmes and Watson. He assumes the style of detective stories in series is originated from Conan Doyle. As to the body types, he found the heights of Holmes and Watson were almost equal in illustrations although most of us assumes Holmes was taller than Watson.
  The Litarary Agent, Sherlock Holmes-General and Miscellaneous, Watson-General and Miscellaneous

Horie, Kazuyoshi “A Study of Chain and Link ? Development of Mutual Understanding Between Holmes and Watson” 堀江和義「鎖(Chain)と輪(Link)についての一考察 ホームズとワトソンの共通認識の発展」 WH No.17 (1994),108-116p
The author discusses Holmes used not only the elimination method but the link-chain method in his deduction and Watson well understood it. He notes Holmes applied the link-chain method in his human monitoring, and also assumes Watson’s record would be a large chain consisting of each chain.
    Sherlock Holmes-Limits of Knowledge, Dr.Watson-Writings

Iida, Yachiyo “An Essay on Japanese Sherlock Holmes” 飯田八千代「An essay on JAPANESE SHERLOCK HOLMES 日本のホームズ試論」 WH No.17 (1994),117-124p
Based on the discussion at Hiroshima chapter on five famous detectives created by Japanese authors and who would be Japanese Sherlock Holmes, the author describes the analysis of these detectives and concludes Kiyoshi Mitarai created by Soji Shimada is Japanese Sherlock Holmes.

Endo, Takahiko “Tra-la-la-lila-lila-lay” 遠藤尚彦「Tra-la-la-lira-lira-lay考 抄」 WH No.17 (1994),126-130p
The author looks at the candidates about Chopin’s works Holmes sung in STUD and concludes the piece to be Nocturne No. 10 (Op.32-2).
    Music, STUD

Kumagai, Akira “”The Man with the Twisted Lips” and “The Speckled Band” ? Deducing Sherlock Holmes Stores (Part 2)” 熊谷彰「唇のねじれた男 と まだらの紐 ホームズ物語を推理する(その2)」 WH No.17 (1994),131-147p

The author studies the method Conan Doyle wrote the short stories, TWIS and SPEC based on his precedent long stories. He analyzes TWIS is based on SIGN, pointing out the resemblance in five major scenes. As to SPEC, the author suggests it to be the re-write of SIGN, adding the actual experience of Conan Doyle.


Hiraga, Saburo “The Station where Sir Henry and Inspector Lestrade Descended” 平賀三郎「ヘンリー卿とレストレイドが降りた駅」 WH No.17 (1994),148-159p
The author validates the train stations Sir Henry and Lestrade took off based on his experience during the trip to Dartmoor. He concludes Brent and Tavistock are the stations respectively.
  HOUN, Transportation

Harada, Minoru “Was the Hound Really a Hellish Hound?” 原田実「魔犬 は本当に魔犬だったか?」 WH No.17 (1994),160-163p
The author proposes a hypothesis that the hound in HOUN was not savage, and points out Stapleton’s cruelness if he used the hound that was really a friendly one.
HOUN, Animals

Ishii, Takashi “Miscellanea on The Crooked Man” 石井貴志「まがった男 通信/創刊準備号」 WH No.17 (1994),164-168p
The author investigates some questions in CROO, the relation of the titles with Mother Goose, and who was the crooked man. He also points out the relationship of the story with the Bible.

Akatsuki, Shunta “The Real Crime That Inspired “The Problem of Thor Bridge” ? The Cooachford Poisoning Case of Dr. Phillp Cross” 赤月俊太「ソア橋 の原事件を探る クロス博士妻毒殺事件」 WH No.17 (1994),169-178p
The author points out the resemblance of THOR with the actual case occurred in Ireland in 1887, and claims Conan Doyle collected the information on criminal records and criminology from his early career.
