The Writings About the Writings in Japan

Limits of Knowledge

 General  一般
Horie, Kazuyoshi “A Study of Chain and Link ? Development of Mutual Understanding Between Holmes and Watson”
堀江和義「鎖(Chain)と輪(Link)についての一考察 ホームズとワトソンの共通認識の発展」
WH, 17(1994)
 Knowledge of Acting and Disguises  演技変装の知識
 Knowledge of Advertising  広告の知識
 Knowledge of Archaeology  考古学の知識
 Knowledge of British Law  英国法の知識
 Knowledge of Business  ビジネスの知識
 Knowledge of Chemistry  化学の知識
 Knowledge of Cryptography  暗号法の知識
 Knowledge of Dermatology  皮膚科の知識
Knowledge of Fingerprints  指紋法の知識
 Matsushita, Ryohei “Fingerprints and Sherlock Holmes”
WH, 27(2004)
 Knowledge of Forensic Medicine  法医学の知識
 Knowledge of Geology  地質学の知識
 Knowledge of Languages and Literature  言語文学の知識
Miyoshi, Tokie “Is Sherlock Holmes a Sherlockian?” 
WH, 16(1993) 
 Knowledge of Music  音楽の知識
 Takakura, Nozomi “Sherlock Holmes as a Violinist”
WH, 19(1996)  
 Knowledge of Nature  自然科学の知識
 Knowledge of Photography  写真の知識
 Knowledge of Physiognomy  人相学の知識
 Knowledge of Rhetoric  レトリックの知識
 Knowledge of Sports (Including His Athletic Ability)  スポーツの知識(本人の運動能力を含む)
 Knowledge of Teeth  (歯の知識)
