The World of Holmes No.19

Sasano, Fumitaka “Literary Origin of “A Case of Identity” Part 3” 笹野史隆「花婿失踪事件 の文学的祖先(その3)」 WH No.19 (1996),1-13p
The author lists up literary works that may be the origin of the episodes in IDEN from eight points of view. The works referred to as the origin are those by Edgar Alan Poe, E. Hoffman, Charles Dickens, Honor? de Balzac, Maupassant, Alexandre Dumas, Robert Stevenson and a few other writers.

Ishii, Takashi “A Study of “The Seven-per-cent Solution”” 石井貴志「SHの素敵な挑戦 の研究」 WH, 19(1996), 14-23
A study about the film “The Seven-Per-cent Solution”. The author discusses the background, the contents and the evaluation of the film, and also the originality of the story of the film.
  TV Dramas & Movies

Satake,Tsuyoshi “The Three Smiths” 佐竹剛「三人スミス」 WH No.19 (1996),24-26p
The author put a focus on the people with the name “Smith” in the Canon and suggests the relationships of the Smiths in different stories,

Kumagai, Akira “The Rhetoric of “The Hound of the Baskervilles”” 熊谷彰「バスカヴィル家の犬 の空白域」 WH No.19 (1996),27-41p
The author looks at the reason Holmes disappeared in the halfway of the story in HOUN. He analyses how Holmes and the criminal met in all the short stories. He concludes Doyle’s way of writing fits to short stories and that Holmes’s disappearance in the middle of the story in HOUN is to spin the story to a long one.
「バスカヴィル家の犬」で、ホームズが中盤に物語から表面上姿を消すこと(空白域)について考察。著者は全ての物語で、ホームズと犯人の出会い方を詳しく分析。ドイルの執筆方法が、間延びしない捜査 → 事件解決 → 手短な原因説明、の短編手法と推理。故に、長編では短編要素を引き延ばしたと考察。従って「バスカヴィル家の犬」の空白域に注目すると、ホームズは本質的には短編の主人公である、と結論。


Hiraga, Saburo “Two Towns in Dartmoor” 平賀三郎「ダートムーアの二つの町」 WH No.19 (1996),48-56p
The author examines the places the cases of HOUN and SILV occurred and concludes both cases happened in Tavistock in Dartmoor.

Takakura, Nozomi “Sherlock Holmes as a Violinist” 高倉希「ヴァイオリン奏者としてのシャーロック・ホームズ」 WH No.19 (1996),61-63p
The author looks at Sherlock Holmes’s level as a violinist and sees he would be far from a professional violinist though he was a good player as an amateur.
  Music Limits of Knowledge
(Including Methods)

Ietsugu, Fusao “Sidney Paget” 家次房夫「シドニー・パジット」 WH No.19 (1996),64-86p
A study on Sidney Paget. The author lists up Paget’s works as an illustrator of the Canon and its evaluations by noted Sherlockians. A brief chronology of the lives of Sidney Paget and his brother Walter and comments on some of his illustrations are also included.

Kitahara, Naohiko “The Casebook of “Detective Hoshina”” 北原尚彦「ホシナ大探偵 事件簿」 WH No.19 (1996),88-93p
The author introduces the story “Detective Hoshina” by Oshikawa, Shunro, a science fiction pioneer in Japan. The work is considered as an adaption of the Canon and has long been searched and finally found by Yokota, Jun’ya, a Japanese SF writer/researcher. The story is revealed to be an adaption of LADY.
     LADY Japan Translating and Interpreting

Endo, Takahiko “Sherlockians, Let’s Go See “The Cats”” 遠藤尚彦「What is Macavity? シャーロッキアンはCATSを観に行こう!」 WH No.19 (1996),95-102p
The author introduces T.S. Eliot’s poems “Macavity the Mystery Cat”, and the character of Macavity is a literary allusion to Professor Moriarty. He suggests it would be more fun to read Eliot’s poems to see the musical “The Cats”, which is originated from the poems.
