The World of Holmes No.35

Nakashima, Hiroko “Sherlock Holmes Pilgrimage to Switzerland ? A Preview” 中島ひろ子「Sherlock Holmes Pilgrimage ホームズ巡礼スイスツアー~旅行記 予告編」 WH No.35 (2012),7-10p
A collection of photos the author took during the Sherlock Holmes Tour to Switzerland held by Sherlock Holmes Society in London in 2012.
  Travel, , Sherlockian and Societies

Goto, Sayuri “Travel Report to England in 2012” 後藤五百合「2012年英国旅行記」 WH No.35 (2012),11-16p
A diary of the trip from London to Penzance. The author visited Sherlockian places of interests such as Woking, Portsmouth, Exeter during her trip.

Shibasaki, Setsuko “Meeting with Ms. Lynda Pritchard” 柴﨑節子「リンダ・プリチャードさんとの会見記」 WH No.35 (2012),17-20p
The author reports her meeting with Ms. Lynda Pritchard who supported Jeremy Brett in his last days, and is the author of “On the Wings of Paradise”.
  TV Dramas & Movies

Takahashi, Akimi “Sherlock Holmes in London ? Diary of a Foreign Student” 高橋陽実「ホームズのいるロンドン 留学生活日記」 WH No.35 (2012),21-25p
The author reports Sherlockian experiences during his stay in London for a year from September 2011. He took part in the Blue Carbuncle walking tour, and encountered the autograph session by Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss at the Waterstone’s. United Kingdom,


Endo, Takahiko “U San Sha ? The Great Detective in Myanmar” 遠藤尚彦「ミャンマーの名探偵、ウー・サンシャー」 WH No.35 (2012),26-34p
The author introduces the detective stories written by Shwe OO Down in Myanmar, which are actually the adaptation of the Canon.
    Translating and Interpreting

Uekusa, Yasuhiro “A Study on the Arrow Poison and the Vampire in “The Sign of Four”” 植草康浩「四つの署名 事件における吹き矢毒に関する研究」 WH No.35 (2012),37-44p
A study about the blowing pipe and poison in SIGN. The author claims Bartholomew could not be killed by Ipoh poison used by Tonga, and assumes Jonathan Small put poison to Bartholomew’s food and set up the scene as described in the Canon.

Yoshida, Takehiko “Questionable Points in “The Norwood Builder”” 吉田建彦「ノーウッドの建築業者 への疑問点」 WH No.35 (2012),45-47p
The author points out the following three questions for the NORW story, and presents his revisions: 1.Why the autopsy was not done for the burned body. 2. Why did Oldacre not escape but hide in the hidden room? 3. Why did Oldacre have Mrs. Lexington an accomplice?

Kondo, Masami “Transition of “The Second Stein”” 近藤正美「第二の汚点 の変遷について」 WH No.35 (2012),48-59p
The author makes an assumption that SECO was planned to be the last story of Sherlock Holmes series, but Doyle lost a chance to do that, as the series went longer than Doyle planned.

Watanabe, Mineki “A Study about Time in the Daily Life” 渡辺峯樹「日常生活における時間の考察」 WH No.35 (2012),61-70p
The author discusses items about time in the Canon; the timetable of the daily life of Holmes and Watson such as meals, working hours and walking. Topics also include speed of cabs, watches and so on.
    General and Miscellaneous

Sekiya, Etsuko “Certificate of Baritsu Chapter Membership Displayed at Chateau de Lucens” 関矢悦子「ルサン城に飾られていたバリツ支部の会員証」 WH No.35 (2012),71-72p
A study about Makino Shinken’s Baritsu Chapter membership certificate that was shown in “BBC Black & White Documentary Materials”. The author reports the details of the certificate and why it was displayed at Chateau de Lucens.
“In the Footsteps of Sherlock Holmes” DVDの中に収録されている“BBC Black & White Documentary Material”の映像中に、ルサン城に飾られていたバリツ会の会員証が映っていたことから、会員証に記された名前・牧野伸顕とバリツ支部との関係や、何故ここに彼の会員証があるのか、などを詳細に検証する。
  Sherlockians and Societies

Shimizu, Takeshi “Forensic Researches by Dr. Joseph Bell” 清水健「ジョゼフ・ベル博士の法医学捜査」 WH No.35 (2012),73-77p
The author reports on Dr. Bell’s activities in forensic investigations with Doyle’s activities as a writer. The details of Chantrelle case, Monson case and Jack the Ripper cases are discussed.
  Prototypes - Dr. Joseph Bell and others

Takeda, Masao “Silver Blaze in Japan” 竹田正雄「シルバーブレイズ号かく戦えり」 WH No.35 (2012),78-85p
A record of the activities of Silver Blaze, a racehorse that named after SILV and was active from 2006 to 2010 in Japan.

Nitta, Kunihiko “A Study of Sherlock Holmes’s Insights” 新田邦彦「シャーロック・ホームズにおける洞察の研究」 WH No.35 (2012),86-92p
The author analyses Sherlock Holmes’s insights from Gestalt Psychological viewpoint. His processes of insights are shown using the cases in the Canon.
Sherlock Holmes - Intellect

Ohta, Takashi “Time Theory of Sherlock Holmes” 太田隆「シャーロック・ホームズの時間論」 WH No.35 (2012),93-99p
The author discusses the time for Holmes and Watson based on the theory of J.M.E. McTaggart and his work “The Unreality of Time”
General and Miscellaneous

Harada, Minoru “Sherlock Holmes in Video Sites” 原田実「動画サイトに見るシャーロック・ホームズ」 WH No.35 (2012),123-126p
The author introduces the videos related to Sherlock Holmes on the internet. Among various works, he evaluates “Chiherlock Holmes” series, a game video to be the best.
Parodies and Pastiches, TV Dramas & Movies

Owaku, Rie and Shimizu, Takeshi “A Tour of Filming Locations of BBC’s “Sherlock”” 大和久吏恵/清水健「BBCシャーロック ロンドンのロケ地めぐり」 WH No.35 (2012),127-133p
A report on filming locations of BBC’s “Sherlock” in London. The time each place appears in the drama and the nearest stations of the places are mentioned.
Travel, TV Dramas & Movies

Iijima, Kazutsugu “Notes on “Sherlock Holmes Shadow Game”” 飯島一次「シャーロック・ホームズ シャドウゲーム覚書」 WH No.35 (2012),134-139p
A personal feelings on the film “Sherlock Holmes Shadow Game”. The author thinks it is a Hollywood blockbuster, and a fair action movie.
TV Dramas & Movies

Yoshida, Mio “Injury, Medicine and Resuscitation in “Sherlock Holmes Shadow Game”” 吉田未央「外傷・薬剤・蘇生 映画シャーロック・ホームズ シャドウゲームから」 WH No.35 (2012),140-146p
The author analyses the kind of injury Holmes got, the medicine that revived him, and resuscitative maneuver Watson took in the film “Sherlock Holmes Shadow Game.
著者の医学専門知識を基に、映画『シャーロック・ホームズ シャドウゲーム』の中で、外傷、薬剤、蘇生について詳細に検討する。実際に、臓器の詳細な解説図などを用いて医学的に肉体の状態などを具体的に考察し、ストーリー上の危うい矛盾点と、これを解決する為の説得のある解釈を具体的に提示する。
TV Dramas & Movies
