The World of Holmes No.28

 Arai, Mitsuko “Canine Nature in Sherlock Holmes” 新井光子「ホームズにおける犬的資質の考察」   WH, 28(2005), 1-3.
 Based on the assumption that Conan Doyle gave Holmes the canine nature, the author studies Holmes’s two-sided nature and his attitude toward women.  
     The Literary Agent, Animals, HOUN

 Kubo, Yoshihiro “Conan Doyle and Freemason” 久保恵宥「コナン・ドイルとフリーメイソン」   WH, 28(2005), 7-28.
 A study about Freemasonry and its appearances in the Canon. Why Doyle became its member, and trivia such as its history, reputation and activities in Japan are introduced.
      REDH, RETI, NORW, STUD, Freemasons, The Literary Agent

 Yoshida, Takeshi “Drugs in Sherlock Holmes Stories” 吉田武「麻薬は魔薬!!ホームズ物語では?」   WH, 28(2005), 29-33.
 A study about the opium and cocaine in the Canon. By quoting the scenes from TWIS, the author understands Watson’s worries about Holme’s addiction to drugs.
     TWISDrug Habit

Kurita, Kazumi “Astronomical Verification of Chronology of ‘The Musgrave Ritual’” 栗田和実「マスグレイヴ家の儀式 年代学の天文学的検証」  WH, 28(2005), 35-39.
 The author reviews the candidate dates MUSG are said to be occurred from astronomical point of view, and concludes Aug. 12, 1880 would be most likely.


 Sugiyama, Shigeru “Analyzing the Vocabulary in the Canon” 杉山繁「正典の言葉の分析」   WH, 28(2005), 49-58.
 An analysis of proper nouns in the Canon using the “Classified Words in the Canon”. The author picks up individual, group and geographical names in each book and tries to find out any features or tendencies by each book.
 JSHC公式HP(英語版)の項目Classified Words in the Canon を用いて、正典9冊に現れる言葉についての分析。地名を含む固有名詞を同データベースから抽出、個人、団体、地名に分類し、更に英国と外国に分けた6分類にして正典内のデータ分析を行っている。 
     General and Miscellaneous  English (language)

 Date, Hisayoshi “Translation of Sherlock Holmes Stories” 伊達久義「ホームズ物語の翻訳を巡って」  WH, 28(2005), 59-63.
 Seizo Okamoto is son-in-law of Kumagusu Minakata, noted naturalist and scholar who studied in London when Holmes lived there. The author suggests Okamoto was a great fan of mystery stories, based on references and quotations in his essays and artciles including Conan Doyle’s works.
     FINA, BLAC, ILLU,  Translating and Interpreting

 Nakanishi, Yutaka “Seizo Okamoto, Kumagusu Minakata’s Son-in-Law and Mystery Stories” 中西裕「南方熊楠女婿岡本清造とミステリー」   WH, 28(2005), 64-70.
 Introduction of the life of Lafcadio Hearn (Koizumi Yakumo), a writer known best for his books about Japan, and the things he had in common with Conan Doyle and Sherlock Holmes.
     The Literary Agent, Literary Parallels and Comparisons, Japan

 Hirayama, Yuichi “Who was the Illustrious Client?” 平山雄一「高名な依頼人 の正体」   WH, 28(2005), 71-83.
 It is generally believed the client in ILLU was King Edward VII. Based on the condition of the King at the time of ILLU, the author indicates the client was not King but King’s younger brother, Duke of Connaught. (The original paper appeared in “Canadian Holmes” 2003 Summer Edition.)

 Endo, Takahiko “It’s 54 and a Half Miles an Hour, My Dear Watson” 遠藤尚彦「54マイル半の間違いだよ、ワトスン君」  WH, 28(2005), 85-96.
 The author suggests the simpler way of calculating the speed of the train Holmes presented in SILV.

 Hiraga, Saburo “A Study in ‘The Silver Blaze’” 平賀三郎「白銀号事件 の研究」  WH No28 (2005),108-121
A summary of themes about SILV and a brief report on the visit to Winchester Horseracing course.

 Takeda, Masao “The Background of ‘The Black Peter’” 竹田正雄「ブラック・ピーター の背景」  WH, 28(2005), 122-130.
 A study about whale catching history and its influences to BLAC; why Cairnes did not escape and why Doyle wrote this story?

 Iizuka, Tomoyuki “How Sherlock Holmes Met Lassus” 飯塚朝之「ホームズとラッススの邂逅」  WH, 28(2005), 152-163.
 A study about Lassus’s life and music. The author presumes Holmes came to know Lassus by the Montpellier manuscript and via Petrarca whose poems are used in Lassus’ music.

 Hamano, Shiho “Harry Houdini and Conan Doyle” 浜野志保「フーディーニとドイル」  WH, 28(2005), 181-193.
 An overview of the relationship between Doyle and Houdini, how they met, built friendship and broke up.
     The Literary Agent

 Suzuki, Toshio “The Eve of the First World War and Sherlock Holmes” 鈴木利男「第1次世界大戦前夜とシャーロック・ホームズ」  WH, 28(2005), 194-210.
 In relation to LAST, the author made a research on the political situations in Europe and analyzed chronologically how the World War I started. International Relations.
     LAST International Relations

 Shudai, Yoshihiko “The Background of ‘His Last Bow’” 主代吉彦「最後の挨拶 の背景」  WH, 28(2005), 211-216.
 The author discusses if Germany foresaw the world war at the time and deduces Holmes’s espionage activities led to Germany’s defeat.
     LAST International Relations

 The Editors of WH 28, “The Result of the Popularity Pole of the Canon” ホームズの世界編集委員会「正典9冊の人気調査結果」  WH, 28(2005), 220-222.
 The result of questionnaire survey at JSHC convention in March 2005. The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes was selected as No. 1 book of the Canon.
     Ratings of the Tales

 Watanabe, Mineki “On East Wind” 渡辺峯樹「東風について」  WH, 28(2005), 223-233.
 A study about east wind; How winds appeared in the Canon, when and how strong east wind blows in London, and how east wind has been perceived in U.K. and Japan.
      General and Miscellaneous
